

《外国文学研究》 外国文学研究 2022-04-13




Zhang Shengzhen & Leonard Marcus

Title: The Development and Challenge of Children’s Literature: An Interview with Leonard Marcus


Abstract: Leonard Marcus’s pathfinding writings and exhibitions have earned him acclaim as one of the world’s preeminent authorities on children’s books and the people who create them. His publications include biographies, histories, interviews, and in-depth studies on works that have become enduring classics in children’s literature. 25 of his works won various awards. As a founding trustee of the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Marcus curated the New York Public Library’s landmark exhibition, “The ABC of It: Why Children’s Books Matter.” Zhang Shengzhen, a Fulbright visiting scholar at New York University (2019—2020), interviewed Marcus on a wide range of topics, including childhood, children’s literature, children’s books, crossover literature, and American children’s literature. Marcus regards children’s literature as both a rich repository of collective memory and cultural heritage for each nation. In his view, therefore, it should be taken seriously. American children’s literature was influenced by British literature, but it embarked on its own course of independent development after the Civil War and gradually showed its national uniqueness and impact. Thanks to the influence from various factors, children’s literature has shaken off its marginal status and become part of the mainstream literature. This will bring greater challenges, as well as more chances, to the writers, critics, educators, and publishers of children’s literature.


Li Feng & Mike Hill 

Title: Reinventing English by Working beyond the Modern Disciplines: An Interview with Mike Hill


Abstract: Mike Hill is Professor of English at State University of New York at Albany and a renowned literary critic. He has published many books on a wide range of topics, including Whiteness: A Critical Reader (1997), Masses, Classes, and the Public Sphere (2001), After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority (2004), and The Other Adam Smith (2015) which, since its translation into Chinese, has been widely acclaimed in the country. In December 2019, during his visit at Shanghai International Studies University at the invitation of the university’s Institute of Literary Studies, Hill was interviewed by Li Feng, a professor at SISU. In the interview, Hill reviews his journey of cross-disciplinary studies from white critique to Adam Smith, the English novel, war studies, and beyond. He particularly talks about such important issues as the cultural significance of white critique and its application to literary research, Adam Smith’s connections with literary narrative, the origin and development of English as a discipline, and the special role China may play in this discipline in the future.





Title: The Interplay between Words and Images in Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre


Abstract: Goethe offers his literary interpretation of the relationship and its meaning between words and images in his novel, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre. The author doesn’t substitute words with images, as he often claimed, but places both of them in a special and tension-filled interplay. To be exact,the unique textual structure and narrative strategy of the novel are closely related to the author’s language skepticism. Image, as it is interwoven with wording, may represent not only an opportunity for the narrative, but also its subject and content. The similarity between them lies in the prohibition of a single meaning, which is replaced by the openness and unpredictability of meaning. In Goethe’s interpretation,what readers will encounter is not just the deficiency in the communicative function of words or the breakage between signifier and designatum. They will, more likely, encounter the temptation of images and the multiple meanings behind them. In other words, images are not necessarily more reliable than words. In this sense, words and images are not opposites; instead, they are isomorphic. They are two sides of the same coin, different in appearance but identical in essence. While articulating his skepticism toward language or interpreting the multiple meanings of images, Goethe took advantage of a cross-media narrative strategy in creating a new order of symbles that breaks up the linear narrative and the singularity of meaning. What corresponds to this is nothing but a multivalent space of art.



Title: Media Issues in Die Leiden des jungen Werthers


Abstract: The correlation between the process of textualization and the development of literature in the eighteenth-century Germany constituted the basic historical context of Goethe’s novel, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. The textualization not only made long-distance communication possible, but also minimized physical interaction. The development of media served the needs of emotional exchanges and, at the same time, generated new patterns of social interactions. The novel incorporates paratexts like “editor” and “preface”, which were promoted by the print culture, into its fictional narrative while perfecting the epistolary narrative, namely, the media of communication that had been pushed onto a more advanced stage by the pietism and sentimentalism. The void, which occurs due to the absence of the letter receiver in the novel, may be filled by the anonymous reader. The confusing mixture of reality and fiction leads the reader to a baffling reception and poses a challenge to aesthetic reflection. The advancement of print culture produced new forms of articulation and promoted the development of cultural technologies while curtailing face-to-face interactions. Experience and media always find themselves in a tense relationship simply because the former requires directness, whereas the latter needs distance.

Carsten Rohde 著,丁佳宁 译


Title: Mediality and Materiality in West-Eastern Divan


Abstract: Mediality and Materiality are two concepts and paradigms that have long been one of the focal points in literary and cultural studies in recent decades. If we analyze the structure and motive – its thematic significance – of Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan from these two dimensions and explore the specific issues of mediality and materiality in this poetic collection, we may easily pry into Goethe’s reflection on and interpretation of the medial-material conditional structure in his later work. In Goethe’s view, it is clearly probable to establish a utopia of multiple reference and diversity, in which mediality and materiality may gain a sort of vitality for transformation.




Title: A Study on I. A. Richards’ Transcultural Heterotopic Identity from the Perspective of Cultural Globalization

内容摘要:从文化全球化视角反思西方当代跨文化认同理论,重构中英全球现代主义流动中I. A. 瑞查兹的跨文化异位认同的两种模式。围绕同位中的跨文化异位认同和异位中的跨文化异位认同这两种模式,重点分析以下三个方面:文化全球化内在的他异性、跨文化关联性以及对应的反本体的跨文化异位认同;瑞查兹立足剑桥大学文化本体空间与中国的同位中的跨文化异位认同以及对中国传统儒学内圣道统和经世理性精神的汲取;瑞查兹在真实的中国文化境遇中正反并存的跨文化矛盾心理以及通过跨文化干预、介入、超越三种方式对异位中的跨文化异位认同的重构。通过上述研究积极强调对话、共存、互动、互补等跨文化核心理念,肯定全球现代主义话语中中国他异性的多重性,指出西方现代语言认知知识型并强调形而下践履的中国传统儒学对瑞查兹跨文化异位认同的不同影响。

Abstract: This article reflects on contemporary Western theories of transcultural identity from the perspective of cultural globalization and reconstructs the two modes of I. A. Richards’s transcultural heterotopic identity in the global flow of modernism between China and England. By focusing on the two modes heterotopic transcultural identification in homotopic positioning and heterotopic transcultural identification in heterotopic positioning, analyzes the following three aspects: the alterity and transcultural relationality immanent in cultural globalization as well as the corresponding anti-ontological transcultural heterotopic identity; Richards’ heterotopic identification with China in homotopic positioning within the ontological cultural space of Cambridge University as well as his absorption of the traditional Chinese Confucian ideas of inner sagely cultivation and pragmatic rationality; Richards’ transcultural ambivalence in the real cultural environment of China and his reconstruction of the transcultural heterotopic identity in heterotopic positioning via three transcultural ways of intervention, involvement, and transcendence. A study of these issues may place more emphasis on transcultural core ideas, such as dialogue, co-existence, interaction, and complementation, affirm the multiplicity of Chinese alterity in the global discourse on modernism, and clarify the different influences on Richards’ transcultural heterotopic identity by modern Western episteme of linguistic cognition and traditional Chinese Confucianism that values concrete praxis.


标题:《10½ 章世界史》中的契约母题和文学律法

Title: The Covenant Motif and Literature Law in A History of the World in 10½ Chapters


Abstract: With a seemingly complex and multilayered theme, compounded with Julian Barnes’s various concerns with law, A History of the World in 10½ Chapters not only represents the process of how the law is generated and implemented, but also generalizes, in abstract terms, some of the conflicts in human history as opposing legal values by exploring the motif of covenant symbolized by a recurrent image of ark. These conflicts of legal values reveal Barnes’s reflections on the “natural law”. In Barnes’s writing, both “law” and “nature” become paradoxical concepts, which turn the writing of law and covenant in A History of the World in 10½ Chapters into a metafictional representation of his literary ideas: The legality of literature itself generates the tension between its “text” and “spirit” in the course of “the author’s legislation” and “the reader’s judgement”.



Title: Evolution of American Graphic Novel and its Implications


Abstract: As a branch of comics, the graphic novel, which came into being in the 1970s in the American cultural field, generally targets an adult audience and addresses serious themes. The development of the American graphic novel can be roughly divided into the pre-graphic novel period, the rising period, and the canonical period. At present, the graphic novel is marching to center from margin in the American literary field. The rise of the graphic novel as a new genre results from interaction of many factors, including the image-word narrative features of the graphic novel, the coincidence of the themes of the graphic novel and those of the public narratives in the historical context, and the opportunities provided by E-culture. The evolution of the graphic novel indicates that the English literary filed is opening up to the word-image narrative to adapt to readers’ preference for image. It is suggested that the graphic novel can be taken as a new form to introduce Chinese literature to the English world, and more efforts should be taken to update our perception about narrative and medium in order to tell the stories about China to the world in a better way.




Title: Memory Writing and Identity Reconstruction in Enemies: A Love Story


Abstract: In his representative work, Enemies: A Love Story, Isaac Singer, the Jewish American writer and the Nobel Prize winner, represents the various memories of and the attempts at the reconstruction of identity by four characters, who are the survivors with complicated ethical relations between each other. Herman’s olfactory memory solidifies his identity as Yadwiga’s husband and guardian. The loss of his memory about living through thick and thin together with Tamara and their children helps him evade his role as a father. The fusion of his memories about history, though, lets him choose to be an eternal sufferer wandering all over the place. Tamara’s body memory consolidates her own identity as a mother and enables her to become Americanized as a bookshop owner and a protector for the future of the Jewish community. Yadwiga, as a carrier of olfactory memory, goes through an agonizing life with changing identities, from a maid to a wife and then to a single mother, and from a non-Jewish woman to a believer in Judaism. Masha’s traumatic memory puts her through a lot of torments, changing her identity from a refugee to an extramarital lover and, finally, a dead person. These survivors form their family memory while trying to construct ethical relations with other people and integrate their individual memory and family memory into their long history memory, thus reconstructing their identities eventually.

郑  杰


Title: The Concept of Empathy in McEwan’s Fiction

内容摘要:相对于其早期作品中对人物扭曲内心世界的聚焦,麦克尤恩的中后期作品开始从科学、宗教、心理和文学的多重叙事中探讨伦理道德的本质问题。小说《黑犬》《爱无可忍》和《星期六》的共同主题看似是关于理性和感性、科学和情感之间的对话、冲突和竞争,实则是对共情的本质、目的、限度和途径的思考,而这一思考显然在9/11 事件后出现了新的转向和观点修正。重新考察麦克尤恩小说中的共情观,阐释共情的限度以及共情和善行之间的关系,由此得以理解麦克尤恩道德和情感观点的内在矛盾性;同时,在情感研究的观照下,可将其小说视为关于共情概念的文学脚注,为共情—利他的关系假设提供补充甚至修订。

Abstract: In contrast to the focus on characters’ twisted inner world in his early works, Ian McEwan began to explore the nature of ethics and morals in the multiple narratives of science, religion, psychology, and literature in the works written during the middle and late stages of his writing career. The common theme in The Black Dogs, Enduring Love, and Saturday appears to be centered around the dialogue, conflict, and competition between rationality and sensibility, or science and emotion, but it is actually intended as a reflection on the nature, purpose, and approach of empathy, a reflection that has conspicuously taken on a new turn and a conceptual revision in the wake of the 9/11 incidents. A re-examination of the concept of empathy in McEwan’s fiction may help us clarify the limits of empathy and the relation between empathy and kindness as well, thus developing an understanding of the immanent contradiction in McEwan’s concepts of morality and emotion. In the meantime, based on an observation from the study of emotion, his fiction might be perceived as a literary footnote about the concept of empathy, offering some supplement and even revision for the hypothesis of the empathy-altruism connection.



Title:Race, Culture, Ethics: The Humanity Restoration in Ravelstein from the Perspective of Cosmopolitanism


Abstract: Kwame Anthony Appiah advocates that rooted cosmopolitanism, multicultural cosmopolitanism and ethical cosmopolitanism should be unified into the concern about specific identities, namely, “racial identity,” “cultural identity” and “ethical identity,” whereas the restoration of humanity is premised on the concern about individuals under specific identity. In addressing the relationship between the self and the world, ethnic writers, as represented by Saul Bellow, urge individuals to pursue the multiplicity of their cultural identity based on the restoration of their racial identity and select their ethical identity in a world of diversity. In Ravelstein, Ravelstein, the protagonist, not only restores his Jewish identity, but also inherits the traditions of the Jewish people. In the meantime, Ravelstein respects the differences in culture and reconstructs his cultural identity in the multicultural society of America. While confronting the crisis of consumption alienation, Ravelstein maintains the cosmopolitan ethics as the guidelines in interpersonal relationships, explores ways to resist spiritual alienation by fulfilling his ethical responsibilities to others, and eventually accomplishes his transition from “animal factor” to “human factor.” Through the major characters’ restoration of ethnic identity, their reconstruction of cultural identity and their development of ethical identity in Ravelstein, Bellow reexamines the issue of human nature and explores the significance of individual existence with the sense of responsibility and mission as a cosmopolitan writer, thus offering a useful reference for the development of a harmonious human world.


刘  阳


Title: Against the Event: Michael Sayeau’s Interpretation and Deduction of Modernist Narrative


Abstract: In the frontier research on event, English narratologist Michael Sayeau took a departure from the usual approach in understanding the event from the perspective of singularity and, using Badiou as the starting point of his criticism, demonstrated the mysteriousness of the cause and the metaphysical crux, the two features underlying the singularity of event. As a result, he forthrightly put forward his “against the event” viewpoint and absorbed relevant critical theories while explaining how Flaubert and other writers deal with the conflict between interruption and repetition, thus creating a pioneering presentation of the modernist narrative. His interpretation can not only provide a deduction of “the daily constancy of coincidence”, but also help clarify, in depth, a turning point in academic history, that is, the time when early modernist writers highlighted the structure of discourse itself in their works and Saussure established the starting point for the theory of language simultaneously.



Title: The Gulf War Narrative in Sam Shepard’s States of Shock


Abstract: In States of Shock, a play written in the late stage of his writing career, Sam Shepard, a well-known contemporary American playwright, re-presents the television coverage on the Gulf War and re-creates the war panorama that has erased the injuries and sufferings, depicting ordinary people’s indifference toward the Gulf War as nothing more than a television event, and drawing attention to the war narratives by veterans and their anxious plea to be “seen”. By mixing the multi-dimensional details of the battlefield with soldiers’ living conditions and people’s emotional reactions, the playwright reveals another perspective on the Gulf War narrative: the war forced both soldiers and civilians into “states of shock”. In States of Shock, Shepard constructs another Gulf War narrative that differs from the official discourse, questioning and animadverting upon the official coverage of the Gulf War.




Title: A Community of Poets: Seamus Heaney and the Belfast Group


Abstract: The Belfast Group is considered by many to be an important part of Northern Ireland’s literary history in the second half of the 20th century. Looking back on his long career of poetry writing, Seamus Heaney mentioned the Group frequently and asserted the key role such a community of poetry played in the emergence of a new generation of fledging poets from Northern Ireland. The influence of the Group came not only from the poetic ideas and personal guidance of its founder, Hobsbaum, but also from the way in which members of the Group get along and communicate with each other. Although Heaney was considered the greatest talent among them, the influence of the Group still infiltrated into every aspect of his career, from his poetic ideas to his techniques, visions, and even publications. Besides, the writing about Northern Ireland protestants’ dilemma produced by the protestant poets in the Group had a huge impact on Heaney’s determinatin to go beyond the vision of Catholics, so as to promote tolerance and adopt a transcending national perspective on the issue of Northern Ireland.



Title: Soul and Memory: The Writing about Central Asia in Platonov’s and Aitmatov’s Fiction


Abstract: During the Soviet period when its literary canon was highly ideologicalized, the Russian writer Platonov and the Kyrgyz writer Aitmatov played up, respectively, their literary imaginations about the geographical space of Central Asia around the theme of soul and memory in Soul and The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years. The former holds a respectful attitude toward the fictional Zhang people in Central Asia and concludes with the assimilation of Chagataev, who is both a returnee and savior, by the Zhang people; the latter unfolds its narrative around the alienation between the traditional fathers and their modern offsprings, which symbolizes the disruption in passing on the national memory. The cultural memories and traditions of the minorities in Central Asia have been shattered, and what follows imminently is a worsening identity crisis.


目录 | 《外国文学研究》2020年第5期

翟乃海 | 哈罗德·布鲁姆的文学理论与犹太神秘主义

尹兰曦 | “悲伤的时辰似乎如此漫长”——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的“钟表时间”

宋志明 | 索因卡《反常的季节》中的社会政治想象

陈红 | 马维尔笔下割草人形象中的农事理想









